Planet seen by Three People in Antarctica

I was just checking out the Neumayer Station in Antarctica and I noticed something really strange. At 3:10 in the video you can see something come up on the horizon. It is quite bright and then at 4:35 in the video you clearly see Three guys pointing at it. I mean what is going on? Leave a comment and let me know.  Neumayer Station in Antarctica:

Weather Phenomena Escalating Worldwide

Over the past year the world has experienced unprecedented and bizarre weather phenomena - from record breaking heat and cold to increasing earthquake activity worldwide. It's not just global warming, but rather, a system wide surge of strange weather activity.

This video compiles extreme earth changes and weather events, with footage including meteors entering the atmosphere, sinkholes opening up worldwide, the discovery of dark lightning, increasing volcano activity, and a uniquely unusual UFO sighting in Ireland.

While this video does NOT imply extreme weather is a result of human activity - it does suggest that climate change is real and occurring all around us. Whatever the source, one may ask - will extreme weather define our world's history for decades to come?


- My Facebook page is the best way to reach me. I rarely respond to YouTube comments. If you'd like to ask a question, suggest a piece of footage, or something else, best place to do it is Facebook. I will also be adding an FAQ section to the Facebook page very soon.

Gorilla Twin cared by their mom part3

Gorilla Twin cared by their mom part2

N'Gayla with her kids (twins and other 2 daugthers) and babysitter Shaila

Gorilla Twin cared by their mom part1

gorilla mom holding her babies but there were times were she looks as if she was thinking..

Gorillas family

Young gorillas learn by imitating what the others in the troop are doing, and by play fighting with other youngsters. Even the stern silverbacks are gentle with the little ones as they practice new skills. A young gorilla stays close to its mom, sharing her nest, until it is four to six years old.

Dolphin "Blue Horizons"

Orlando is a breakthrough theatrical spectacular that showcases graceful dolphins and false killer whales, a rainbow of exotic birds and an entire cast of world-class divers and aerialists draped in elaborate costumes. The vivid imagination of a young girl sets the stage for an emotional adventure to experience the power of the sea and the elegance of flight.

Giant Sea Turtles was captured in Coral Reef

Coral reef with hawksbill and green sea turtles. Adult green turtles grow to 5 ft long and average weight of mature individuals is 150--420 lb. Adult hawksbill sea turtles have been known to grow up to 3 ft in length, weighing around 180 lb on average.

Mythical Sea Monster caught by Tap

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funny video clips compilation Falling

Watch the funny video clip i have ever seen. Falling, dribbling getting hurt. made me smile for the moment.

15 Isolated Tribes Cut Off From Modern Society

From groups of natives living just outside city limits to tribes discovered by accident wandering the forest, we count 15 small civilisations untouched by modern society.

15 Incredible Human Survival

From people getting lost in the desert to the sole survivor of a terrifying plane crash, we count 15 times people evaded deaths in the harshest circumstances known to man..

Documentary: Aliens On The Moon The Truth Exposed 2014

There's a new documentary about to be released on the SyFy channel entitled "Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed." The two-hour special will be exposing the truth about aliens on the moon, producer Robert Kiviat has put together this movie. He's known for documentaries such as Alien Autopsy Fact or Fiction? and Best UFO Cases Ever Caught on Tape. The 2014 UFO documentary will air on July 20th, so set your DVR's or mark it on your calendar. SyFy has made the claim never-before-seen photos from NASA will be shown in this documentary, revealing installations, factories, saucers, hangers and huge satellite dishes on the moon. Astronauts and other experts will be in the film to comment, I think this is one show worth checking out. The documentary marks the 45th anniversary of man's first landing on the Moon.

enjoy a funny clips sexy golf training

enjoy a funny clips sexy golf..

Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus in 10 Minutes : Short clip in movie

Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus in 10 Minutes : Short clip in movie..........

Giant Snake : Short Clip in Movie

Monitor Lizard Attacks Cobra Snake

Monitor Lizard Attacks Cobra Snake and the Cobra gets its fangs in the Komodo, but watch what happens next.

Hippo's shows the crocodiles who's the boss even in the eating frenzies

Hippo's shows the crocodiles who's the boss even in the eating frenzies.Played to Beethoven 5th.

Bull shark attacked, killed & eaten by a Huge Saltwater Crocodile

Bull shark attacked, killed & eaten by a Huge Saltwater Crocodile. Among the Deadliest Animals in the World, the crocodile enjoys shark for dinner. But which animal is more deadly, a shark or a crocodile?

We are going to look at the facts of each animal and then you guys can decide which one is more dangerous overall. The topic came up when these photos appeared online from Australia as a tourist witnessed a saltwater crocodile getting the best of a bullshark in the East Alligator River in Kakadu National Park.

Both of these fearless predators are unique because they can live in both Salt and Freshwater. The saltwater crocodile obviously won this battle, but does that mean that saltwater crocodiles are more deadly than the bull-shark? Let's compare

Nile Crocodile & the Saltwater Crocodile are the biggest and most dangerous of their respected species. With the Saltie being the Biggest of All Reptiles with a maximum size believed to be 23 feet and 4,000 pounds. The record for the biggest crocodile in the world was Lolong, (RIP) at 21 feet, 2300 pounds.

Of the 500 shark species, only about 10 are really any threat to humans. The great white being the biggest and most powerful with tales in history claiming a great white being 37 feet long and over 10,000 pounds, however 24 feet and 5,000+ pounds may be close to the truth.

Attacks on Humans? Every year, there about 100 shark attacks on people with less than 15 deaths worldwide. Crocodiles however, killed an average of 2,500 people every year, making them 167 times more dangerous than sharks. So that makes the crocodile much more dangerous to humans... but the question is... if you take the biggest baddest Great White Shark vs the Biggest Baddest Saltwater Crocodile... Who would win in a fight?

Strange and Funny Image


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